API Keys & Environments


There are three environments in Miso:

  • Playground, a read-only tutorial environment that anyone can use to trial Miso with sample data.
  • Development, for staging, QA, and experimentation.
  • Production, where you run your live integration with Miso.

By default, your Development and Production environments are locked until you have an agreement in place for your Miso integration. To unlock these environments, contact your Miso solutions engineer.

Accessing your environments programmatically

Access a Miso environment by passing in the corresponding API key in your API calls. There is one publishable key and one secret key per environment. The API keys are per team (not per user).

Accessing your environments in Dojo

In Dojo, you are always viewing the data and configuration for one environment at a time. To switch between your environments, use the dropdown in the upper left-hand corner.

API Keys

Your API keys are stored in Dojo.

Publishable API Key

Your publishable API key is used to call Miso's APIs from your front-end code, for example to stream interactions from the browser using Miso's Interactions Upload API. Be aware that once you include this API key in your front-end code, it is public. All other operations should use your secret API key.

Specify your publishable key in the api_key query parameter. For example:

POST /v1/interactions?api_key=039c501ac8dfcac91c6f05601cee876e1cc07e17

Secret API Key

Your secret API key is used to access every Miso API endpoint.

You should secure this key and only use it on a back-end server. Never leave this key in your client-side JavaScript code. If the private key is compromised, you can revoke it in  Dojo  and get a new one.

Specify your secret key in the api_key query parameter. For example:

POST /v1/users?api_key=039c501ac8dfcac91c6f05601cee876e1cc07e17
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