
Engines represent machine learning models that deliver real-time predictions. They are trained on your data sets to know how to connect your site's users and visitors with just the right products and content they're looking for. There are two types of engines in Miso: Search engines and Recommendation engines. You can learn more about how engines work in our guide to Understanding Your Engines.

In Dojo, you can do the following:

  • Create engines
  • Delete engines
  • Adjust settings for engines
  • Access each engine's Sandbox for exploring the search results or product recommendations directly in the UI, no API calls needed
  • See an Overview of your engine's activity and performance
Creating, configuring, and deleting engines is always done through the Dojo UI, rather than programmatically.

Creating an engine

First, select the type of engine that you'd like to create (Search or Recommendation). If you don't currently have any engines of this type, you will be taken straight to the engine setup page.

Miso allows you to create multiple search engines and multiple recommendation engines. To create an additional search or recommendation engine, go to the page for one of your existing engines of the same type. From there, click on Settings in the upper right, then click Create new engine. You'll be taken to the engine setup page.

1. Enter an engine name

On the engine setup page, begin by choosing a name for your engine. Note that you won't be able to change this name after the engine is created.

2. Select one or more interactions to optimize for

When you click Pick an Interaction, you will see a list of interaction types that appear in your Interactions dataset. The type that you select tells the engine to return results that are likely to lead to that interaction. By optimizing for high-value interactions on your site, like checkouts or views, you can use Miso to drive conversions and revenue.

The box on the bottom-left shows a preview of the metrics for the chosen interactions, based on your current data sets.

Which interactions should you choose? Usually, we recommend picking the interactions in the conversion funnel that are most aligned with your top-line business metrics. For eCommerce, it's most likely to be a combination of add_to_cart and checkout . For content media, it can be read   or  watch   in combination with  product_detail_page_view  .

3. Choose an update cadence for retraining

When you click Pick a Format, you will see a list of possible schedules for training your engine. Miso will automatically retrain the engine on the schedule that you choose. More frequent retraining is useful if you have a lot of data coming in and need to refresh your engine often.

4. Start training engine

Once you've made your selections, click Start training engine. You'll be taken to a page showing the progress of your engine training, which you can cancel at any time.

Training can take up to a few hours, depending on the size of your data. If you experience any issues during training, contact your Miso solutions engineer.

Once the engine training is complete, you'll be taken to the engine page where you can find the Sandbox and Overview. If you have just one engine, you can access its page by clicking on Search or Recommendation. If you have multiple engines, their pages will appear in a list under each category.

Note that the first engine you create of a certain type automatically becomes the default. When calling Miso's Engine APIs, the default engine will be used unless you pass in an additional parameter. If you create a new engine and want to make it the default, you can do so by adjusting its settings.

Deleting an engine

If you wish to delete an engine, go to its page and then click Settings in the upper right. Next, click Delete engine. You'll be prompted to confirm this action.

When you delete an engine, all your Miso API calls that use this engine will stop working. For that reason, Miso does not allow you to delete the default engine.

Adjusting the settings for an engine

After you create an engine, you can edit the setup at any time. From an engine page, click Settings in the upper right, then click Edit engine setup.

Engine sandbox

You can access your engine sandbox by going to the engine page. Your engine sandbox is a way to test out your engine results without writing any code. Every environment in Dojo has a sandbox for doing basic validation. In the sandbox, you can preview what your engine returns for different users and different inputs.

By adjusting the Personalization slider, you can change how much your engine will factor in personalization compared to general relevancy. You can test other optimization and tuning options by clicking on Advanced Settings and Filters . Learn more about adjusting your engine's results programmatically.

Engine overview

To view the overview for an engine, go to the engine page and click Overview (next to Sandbox). You will see information about the models your engine uses and the number of API successes vs. errors over time.

Icon/Activity Icon/Add Icon/API Icon/Arrow/Down Icon/Arrow/Left Icon/Arrow/Right Icon/Arrow/TopRight Icon/Arrow/Up Icon/Bento Icon/Billing Icon/Bin Icon/Book Icon/Bookmark/Default Icon/Bookmark/Filled Icon/Calendar Icon/Caret/Down Icon/Caret/Up Icon/Chavron/DownIcon/Chavron/LeftIcon/Chavron/RightIcon/Chavron/UpIcon/Checknox/CheckedIcon/Checknox/Unchecked Icon/Checklist Icon/Chip Icon/Clipboard / Copied Icon/Clipboard/Default Icon/Clock/Stopwatch Icon/CMD Icon/Data/Catalog Icon/Data/Engine Icon/Data/Group Icon/Data/Interact Icon/Data/Users Icon/Dive Icon/Docs/Key Icon/Dojo Icon/Email Icon/Env/Development Icon/Env/Playground Icon/Env/Prod Icon/Folder Icon/Fullscreen/Collapse Icon/Fullscreen/Expand Icon/Guides/Multiple Icon/Guides/Single Icon/Hashtag Icon/Heart/Outline Icon/Heart/Solid Icon / Cart z Icon / Click Icon / Clock Icon / Data Icon / Doc Icon / EmptyCart z Icon/Social/Facebook Icon / Genome Incognito Icon / Money Icon/Social/ProductHunt Icon / Search Icon/Social/Twitter Icon / User Icon/Info/Error Icon/Info/Info Icon/Info/Question Icon/Info/Warning Icon/Interact/Download Icon/Interact/Edit Icon/Interact/External v2 Icon/Interact/External Icon/Interact/Filter Icon/Interact/Logout Icon/Interact/Options Icon/Interact/Re-order Icon/Interact/Reload Icon/Interact/Remove Icon/Interact/Replace Icon/Interact/Search Icon/Interact/Shuffle Icon/Interact/Undo Icon/Interact/Upload Icon/Interact/Video Icon/Invoice Icon/Loading Icon/Loading Icon/Lock/Locked Icon/Lock/Unlocked Icon/Lock Icon/Mapping Menu Icon/Notification Icon/Overview Icon/Person/Team Icon/Person/User Icon/Plan/Enterprise Icon/Plan/Growth Icon/Plan/Startup Icon/Plan/Trial Icon/Recipe Icon/Rocket Icon/Settings/App Icon/Settings/User Icon/Settings Icon/Shrine Icon/Sidebar/Close Icon/Sidebar/Open Icon/Slideout Icon/Sort/Ascending Icon/Sort/Default Icon/Sort/Descending Icon/Star/Filled Icon/Star/Outlined Stopwatch Icon/Support Icon/Tag Icon/Interact/Thumb/Dislike Icon/Interact/Thumb/Like Icon/Tick Icon/Trend/New Icon/Trend/Trending Icon/Tutorial Icon/Lock/Unlocked Icon/View/Grid Icon/View/List Icon/Watchlist/Add